August - Goddess Tailtiu. The harvest goddess.

Earth Goddess, is one of vigor, strength and endurance.
The great one of the Earth.
She is a Goddess associated with the harvest, especially wheat. A harvest symbolically represents the death of the growing season and the stored seeds from a harvest represent a rebirth when the next sowing season starts.
Festival: Lughnasadh
Tailtiu reminds us to be grateful for the sacrifices made by our mothers, our fathers, our friends and families, ourselves, our earth. Sacrifices which provide us with the sustenance of life. Death is a main source of Life. What you eat, what you wear and your other basic needs for life are being supplied by death. Plants and animals to feed you, trees to build your house etc...
Teltown in county Meath, Ireland and is named after her. Tailtean games were funeral games to honor Tailtiu. This festival was held on August 1 -2 and became known as Lughnasadh.
Ritual work:
Tailtiu has supportive energy for your ceremonial work with your ancestry. Abundance, but sustainable abundance friendly with the environment and Mother Earth. There is plenty, you only need to look around. Food and nourishment. Topics around death and rebirth. Composting. Transformation.