Four menstruation archetype phases
The Maiden, The Nurturer/Mother, The Wild Woman and The Wise Woman.
The ovulation represents an archetype of The mother/nurturer. Ovulation is the process in which a mature egg is released from the ovary and you can get pregnant.
The luteal phase ( Pre - Menstrual) represents an archetype of The wild woman. After the ovary releases its egg, it changes into the luteal phase. The rise in hormones made your uterine lining thick and ready for a fertilized egg to implant. If you don't get pregnant, the corpus luteum will shrink away and be resorbed. This leads to decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which leads to your period.
The menstruation represents an archetype of The wise woman. When an egg isn't fertilized, pregnancy hasn't taken place, levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone drop. The thickened lining of your uterus, which would support a pregnancy, is no longer needed, so it sheds through your vagina. During your period, you release a combination of blood, mucus, and tissue from your uterus.
The follicular phase ( Pre - Ovulation) represents an archetype of The maiden. It refers to that part of your menstrual cycle when an egg matures in your ovaries.
The story of a menstrual cycle corresponds with a cycle of a woman's life. Girl (Maiden) grows into a woman when she has her first menstruation which preceded an ovulation. She can become a mother or / and enjoy a life of a wild (sexually mature) woman. After menopause she enters an archetype of a wise woman (crone). Women are cycling within a cycle. It's magical!

Pink Moon cycle
You are cycling your pink moon cycle when you are having your period during the Waxing Moon and ovulation during Waning Moon.
White Moon cycle
You are cycling your White Moon cycle when you are having your period during the New Moon and ovulation during the Full Moon.
Purple Moon cycle
You are cycling your Purple moon cycle when you are having your period during the Waning Moon and ovulation during the Waxing Moon.
Red Moon cycle
You are cycling your Red Moon cycle when you are having your period during the Full Moon and ovulation during the New Moon.